The iPERMS website allows soldiers to access their Army EES records. It is an online application that provides administrative information and facilitates evaluation management. It automatically populates with all batches created and submitted in the system, including the number of the batch, the date it was created, and the status. The process also requires a certain amount of time, so it can take several hours for a batch’s status to update.
Before a soldier can web upload their AMHRR documents, they must first log into iPERMS. To do so, the soldier should choose “Soldier” and go to their own record. Then, under the Reviews tab, click on “Open Review.” The soldier must also upload a DA 5960 form in iPERMS if they want to claim their Basic Allowance for Housing. For iPERMS to approve the new form, the soldier must upload it within 20 duty days.
If a soldier is unsure of how to create a case, he or she can use the How to Guide for Authorized Officials. This will show the process of creating a case. Then, the Soldier’s Record Manager will submit the request to the Army Board for Correction of Military Records.
How do I submit a NCOER to HRC?
ERS is an online application that provides administrative information and facilitates the evaluation management process. The ERS reflects information about NCOERs and OERs that have been received at the HRC, as well as the component for which the rated officer has served. The ERS can take up to two hours to process an NCOER.
During the rating process, you must provide your DOD SSN and DOD ID. The DOD ID and SSN are located on the back of your CAC card. After you enter these, the Rated NCO’s address should appear. You must also confirm the date and component of rank. When completing the form, check your answers to all questions.
A rated NCO should meet the following criteria. He or she must possess organizational attributes and competencies. If the rated soldier is an S1 or S2, you should ensure that the rating officials use the latest versions of the evaluation report forms.