Army HRC EES, or Army EES, is a web-based performance appraisal system that allows authorized personnel to enter dates and results of Army Physical Fitness Tests and other evaluations. This system is used to evaluate the performance of authorized personnel and can also help them with further professional development. To use this system, you will first need to register for it.

After you register, you must log in to use the Army EES. You must use a computer associated with your command, otherwise, you will be unable to access the website. This website does not work with a mobile phone or home computer. Most users use base computers to access EES.

The Army Evaluation Entry System Tool

The Army Evaluation Entry System Tool is operated by the Army Human Resources Command to help new recruits choose their career path in the Army. This system allows new recruits to enter their Army evaluations, including their Army Officer Evaluation Reports. It also allows current army officers to view their evaluations, and new recruits can navigate the site using the navigational links to find the information they need.

The Army HRC EES is replacing the Interactive Web Response System, which is the original EES. It also provides access to Senior Rating Officials (Senior Rating Officials) and Academic Evaluation Reports (AERs). It is currently being upgraded by the Army HRC Evaluations Branch. In this new version, the HRC Evaluations Branch has incorporated a new feature called Manage Rating Chain (MRCh). This new tool helps commanders establish rating procedures and recognize rating officials, according to their authorized organizational structures.