Army Enlisted Evaluation Form

The Army Enlisted Evaluation Form is a vital document used to evaluate the performance of a soldier or enlisted NCO. It includes important administrative data, such as counseling dates, Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) results, and height and weight entries. The signature of the rated soldier or NCO indicates that they have reviewed the evaluation report and understand its contents. If the soldier or NCO is not satisfied with their evaluation, they can request a redress process.

Army Evaluation System

The EES is the Army’s evaluation system for non-commissioned officers and officer evaluation reports. The EES consists of a set of forms, which serve as an application for employment. The forms list a candidate’s skills, achievements, and military record. They are then submitted to a selection board. The board then meets with the candidate to discuss their application. They will ask questions ranging from skills to general American history to Army-specific questions.

In order to access the Army Evaluation Entry System, an individual must have a computer with an internet connection. The EES cannot be accessed using a mobile phone or home computer. Although there are other online systems, most people choose to use a computer at a base.

Army PPW Login

In order to submit an Army PPW login for the enlisted evaluation form, you must first be assigned to a unit. Then, you can use a password to sign in. Then, you will be directed to the enlisted evaluation form. The form is easy to complete. The process is completely automated. The system will even calculate your Soldier’s deployment month. However, keep in mind that this only applies to overseas personnel. Soldiers assigned outside the CONUS are not eligible for this form.