Whether you are an ink-signed NCOER or an AER, you must ensure that the evaluation you submit to HQDA includes the full SSN of the person you are evaluating. This provides credibility during the evaluation process and enables you to confirm that the rated Soldier has received the evaluation report.
Ink-signed OERs/NCOERs/AERs must include the full SSN
DA Pam 623-3 is a document that provides procedural guidance for the administrative data required for NCOERs. This regulation outlines the process for performing a supplemental review when an evaluation report is incomplete, or the rater is unsatisfactory. The supplemental review requirement also applies to evaluation reports of academic failure.
DA Form 67 – 10 – 2 is a requirement for officers rated as chief warrant officers four and five. This form includes the officer’s overall grade point average, height, and weight. The rated Soldier must sign the form to verify the information. A copy of the signed form is the rated Soldier’s official copy of the evaluation report. The rated Soldier’s signature must be included on the entire report. The rated Soldier’s signature will ensure the accuracy of the administrative data on the evaluation report.
The senior rater evaluates and reviews the evaluation report before providing it to the rated officer. If the rating chain does not comply with ERS standards, the senior rater will comment on the findings. The senior rater will ensure the timely submission of the final OER to the HQDA. The senior rater will also ensure the profile percentage is less than 24 percent for rendered NCOERs.
For newly commissioned or promoted officers, the rating on an OER is not considered complete until the officer has completed the WOBC. The rating on an OER is not rated for newly appointed warrant officers, non-promotable officers, and soldiers recalled from active duty. Unless an exception to the rule applies, the rating on an OER is not rated for retired military personnel recalled to active duty.
The Senior Rater Evaluation Timeliness Report is a tool to help the senior rater complete an evaluation report. It compiles information from all Army OERs, and NCOERs submitted after January 1, 2011. It will list the senior rater’s current rank, the number of evaluation reports and NCOERs, and the rated officer’s overall grade point average.
The senior rater will provide the rated officer with an evaluation report before the rated Soldier leaves the United States. The rated officer will complete the report, sign the paper copy, and acknowledge the referral. The rated Soldier can manually sign the paper copy or sign the electronic copy on the HQDA website. Whether the rated Soldier chooses to electronically or manually sign the paper copy, he or she will be asked to indicate that the comments do not constitute an appeal. The rated Soldier will then receive assistance in preparing an appeal.
Suppose a rated Soldier refuses to sign the evaluation report. In that case, the rated officer must acknowledge the senior rater’s referral in the evaluation report and include the following statement: “Officer served under dual supervision.” The rated Soldier will be provided with a copy of the evaluation report and asked to indicate that the comments affect the mission. This statement is important because it allows the rated Soldier to request an explanation of the referral. The rated Soldier may also choose to comment on a supplement.
Signing the evaluation report confirms that the rated Soldier has seen the completed evaluation report.
Whether a rated Soldier elects to manually sign a paper copy or has the option of signing digitally, the Soldier’s signature confirms that he or she has seen the completed evaluation report and submitted it to HQDA. The Soldier’s signature verifies administrative data on the evaluation report, including height and weight. In addition, the Soldier’s signature is an assurance that the Soldier has received a complete evaluation report and has reviewed it before departing.
A rated Soldier will receive an evaluation report upon completion of his or her rating period. He or she will be provided with the rater’s support forms at the beginning of the rating period, ensuring that he or she knows who is responsible for evaluating his or her performance. In addition, the rated Soldier will be allowed to discuss specific duties and objectives. After the rated Soldier has completed his or her rating period, he or she will be evaluated by a senior rater.
An evaluation is necessary for an officer to be considered qualified for promotion. However, the rating of Soldiers by individuals outside the chain of command is unacceptable. This practice is contrary to the purpose of the ERS. During an evaluation, a rater will collect information on the rated Soldier’s performance and use all available opportunities to observe and evaluate the rated Soldier. The rating official must ensure that the evaluation is fair and discriminating. The evaluation is also important for obtaining information that can inform decisions regarding personnel management.
The rating process is a critical element of Army personnel management. An accurate evaluation allows the officer to make informed decisions. This process contributes to improved performance in the Army. The Army’s evaluation regulation focuses on the rating chain’s adherence to the requirements of the ERS. Specifically, the ERS emphasizes the subordinate communication process. In addition, the ERS supports current Army personnel management programs. It also provides an opportunity for the rating officer to observe the performance of the rated Soldier and gather information about the officer’s specialties.
When an officer is reassigned to a new position, he or she will be rated for the duration of the new duty assignment. This will take place within 120 calendar days. The rated Soldier will perform his or her assigned duties to the best of his or her ability. During the rating period, the rated Soldier will meet with the rated rater and participate in counseling. The rated Soldier will be able to comment on any referred reports or AER addenda that contain negative information. The rated Soldier will also be able to prepare an appeal.
The rating system requires an evaluation report for all warrant officers and NCOs in grades of SGT through SGM. This document will be filed into the rated Soldier’s AMHRR. The rated Soldier will be provided with a copy of the evaluation report at the end of the rating period unless the Soldier opts to manually sign a copy.