The Army Evaluation Entry System

The Army Evaluation Entry System, or EES, is a data-entry system for creating officer evaluation reports. Designed to be easily used from a PC or Mac, EES is a flexible, online tool. The system can even be used from home if AKO certificates are installed. Once the AKO certificates are installed, personnel can access EES at the above address. The website is active until one month prior to the NCOER implementation date.

The rated NCO and rater should work together to ensure that the NCOER is accurate. The NCO should complete the support form and save the data frequently. During counseling sessions, the rated NCO should update his or her form to include specifics that came up during the counseling session

What is EES?

The Evaluation Entry System (EES) is the web-based system used by US Army members for many evaluation tasks. Most often, it is used for entering Army Physical Fitness Test dates on Academic Evaluation Reports, but it is also used for many other tasks. The EES makes it easy for members to enter and view their evaluation results from various angles.

The Army uses the EES for many reasons, including performance appraisal and professional development. It is an important part of Army recruitment and enlistment, and its results can have a direct impact on authorized personnel’s status and professional development efforts. In addition to the EES’ administrative capabilities, this website provides helpful navigational links to help new recruits navigate through the system.

The EES Army portal looks dated and is difficult to use, but the information contained within is invaluable for enlisted members and new recruits. It is also a useful resource for Soldiers who are interested in career advancement.