How Do You Get a Good NCOER?

Wondering how to get a good NCOER? It’s not as difficult as you might think. First of all, you have to educate yourself. Read the regulations and learn about the rules of NCOER. That might not be the most exciting thing to do, but it’s time well spent. And, if you can, add it to your leadership library.

Another key to a good NCOER is to include as many achievements as possible. Usually, it’s best to list specific accomplishments instead of generic ones. Moreover, draft your NCOER at least 30 days before the deadline so that you have enough time to make changes.

Do you need a Ncoer to retire?

There is a process to get an NCOER review, or noncommissioned officer retirement review. The process starts with the QMP Board reviewing the NCO’s military record and past performance. If the NCO meets the requirements, they may be retained in the Army. The NCO will then receive notification of the decision through the chain of command, usually the Battalion Commander. If they are not, they may appeal.

An NCOER must be submitted at least nine months before the date of retirement. It must then be sent up the chain of command to the first COL (O6) for approval. If the date is non-standard, a justification memorandum must be submitted. This requirement does not apply to soldiers retiring at a retention control point or PCS.

How long is an extended annual Ncoer?

An annual NCOER documents a soldier’s performance for the previous year. All Army members are rated based on their performance, and they receive an NCOER at least once a year from their supervisor. In addition to the annual NCOER, an NCO is required to receive counseling on a quarterly basis. This counseling normally takes the form of DA Form 2166-8-1 but can be done in other formats as well.

An extended annual NCOER is a period longer than a single calendar year. Usually, an NCO’s rated time cannot exceed 12 months (365 days). A mandatory extended annual is issued when an NCO is transferred within 90 days of his annual date. A voluntary extended annual is also available.