OER Support Form

OER support forms are an important tool for any Army commissioned officer. They are a record of accomplishments that can be used to improve an officer’s overall rating, which can ultimately lead to promotion. However, it is not always easy to write an effective one. Fortunately, some tips can help.

The Army Officer Evaluation Report regulation system is designed to promote fairness in the way supervisors evaluate officers. But a poor OER can cost an officer his or her career. That’s why it’s important to draft a quality OER support form.

When drafting an OER, the things you don’t say can send just as strong a message as what you do. So, it’s important to be precise and use concrete examples. For example, say Captain Doe is fit rather than saying, “He has a good physical condition.”

As you draft your OER, it’s important to have a few people look at it before it goes to your rater. Have your NCO counterpart and a mentor read it and give you feedback. They might be able to point out ways to improve the document and make it more professional.

The Army OER support form must accompany all Officer Evaluation Reports. The form is a tool used by the Army Ombudsmen to track actions, communication, recommendations, and status updates for all cases. The DA 67-9-1 form also serves as an administrative means of tracking complaints and suggestions from Army Soldiers and Families. If a delegated rater edits the overall assessment (box check) or grade of a rated soldier, they must submit justification using a DA 67-9-1 Rater Unlock Request memorandum signed by their senior rater.

How to Write an OER Support Form

How to Write an OER Support Form?

OER support forms are an important tool for any Army commissioned officer. They are a record of accomplishments that can be used to improve an officer’s overall rating, which can ultimately lead to promotion. However, it is not always easy to write an effective one. Fortunately, there are some tips that can help.

  • The first step is to make sure that the form is complete.
  • Ensure you include all of your significant accomplishments from the last year or so.
  • Additionally, make sure that you use proper spelling and grammar.
  • Finally, be sure to review the form over a few times before submitting it.
  • Another important step is to keep a record of your accomplishments throughout the rating period. You can do this by keeping a log of your achievements each month. This way, you will have a clear idea of what your rater is looking for when they review your OER.

Using an online service is a great way to fill out your OER support form. It allows you to submit your form electronically with a few simple clicks, and it also helps you stay in compliance with the required information security requirements. Furthermore, it provides a secure audit trail for your document. So, you can be confident that your eSignature will be valid and legally binding.