You can check your promotion points online by viewing your Enlisted Record Brief. This is your official military file. You can access it through the Human Resources Command’s iPERMS website, or you can print it from your S1. This document contains the information you need to calculate your promotion points.
In order to view your points, you must log in to your AKO account. The login is available on the left-hand side of the screen. Type in your username and password and click submit. A pop-up box will appear. The next screen will ask you to enter your AKO username and password.
In order to get your promotion points, you must meet certain requirements. These requirements may include the required time in the service, grade, or MOS. You may also need to have certain education or training. However, most Army promotions require that you have a specific number of points.
Evaluation Entry System army
The US Army Evaluation Entry System, or EES, is a web-based application that lets members of the armed forces handle a wide variety of subjects from the convenience of their own computer. While its most common use is to enter the dates of Army Physical Fitness Tests on Academic Evaluation Reports, it can also be used for a variety of other tasks.
The new system is expected to replace the AKO My Forms system and will be easier to use. It will help to eliminate errors and make evaluations more user-friendly. The army first announced the new system in May. The system also will allow senior raters to identify potential reductions in rater profiles.
The EES Army is a system that allows army officers and noncommissioned officers to enter information that determines their career paths within the service. It also allows Army officers and noncommissioned officers to input their Army evaluations. The Army uses this tool to determine which Soldiers are the best fit for certain assignments and promotions.
How do I find my old Ncoer in EES?
I can’t find my old NCOer in the EES. Why? I think the answer lies in the fact that you’ve applied for his or her evaluation in the wrong place. I know this sounds a little ridiculous, but it’s the truth. The Army has a way of handling this problem and you can easily undo the damage.