The Army Evaluation Entry System (EES) is operated by the United States Army Human Resources Command. It helps recruits and officers select their careers within the Army. It also helps non-commissioned officers and army officers enter their evaluation reports. The site also provides downloadable PDF documents and videos that show how the system works. If you plan to participate in the EES system, study the information.
Accessing the Evaluation Entry System (EES)
The Army Evaluation Entry System was created to monitor the performance of Army personnel. It provides up-to-date data on individual personnel. It is a web-based system that can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. The system uses a variety of tests and assessments to evaluate a person’s potential and ability to do specific tasks. Users should follow these instructions to successfully log into the Evaluation Entry System.
- Users can access The Evaluation Entry System by entering this web address
- All users must have a valid DOD CAC.
- All users select their Digital Certificate from the list and press “OK”
- After the Digital Certificate section, users will see the “Terms of Use” page. Press ““I agree to the terms of the User Agreement” and choose the “Accept Terms.” button.
EES TOOLS and Functions
You can navigate through the system to access many pages, features, and forms as well. For example, NCOER and COER support forms are the most commonly used EES forms and can be filled out online by using the EES website.
You can also access sections like ” signature removal” on the EES website. Only a rated officer’s signature can be removed from an OER Support form. Users can remove their signature and initials directly from the signature page.
There are numerous EES tools on the system’s webpage. Visit our posts to learn more about the tools and functions of the Evaluation Entry System of the United States Army Human Resources Command.